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Volcanic ash: health hazards

The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) is an organisation focussed on the research and dissemination of information related to volcanic health hazards and impacts.

IVHHN have produced three leaflets on the health hazards of volcanic ash for the public and emergency managers.

1. The health hazards of volcanic ash - a guide for the public

2. Guidelines on preparedness before, during and after an ashfall

3. How to protect yourself from breathing volcanic ash

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IVHHN have produced these leaflets in many languages, and a Turkish language version is now available thanks to the TurkVolc project.

You can download the leaflets from here and IVHHN, and you are welcome to print them as many times as you need. They are intended to be useful at the onset of eruptions, and can be distributed on mass if required. If you do download the leaflets for use, it  would be great to let IVHHN know, so they can track their use and usefulness - please contact IVHHN with any feedback.


© 2019 by Sarah Brown & © 2020 by Hünkar Demirbağ

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