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TurkVolc Activities

Project opening workshop

The TurkVolc project was officially launched in March 2017, with a successful three day workshop in April 2017 in Ankara. The workshop brought together team members from MTA and the University of Bristol, with guests from public institutions and Turkish universities. Presentations were given on subjects specific to Turkish volcanism, and more broadly on volcanic field studies, modelling, volcanic monitoring, hazard and risk.

Volcanic short courses

Several short educational courses have been led by team members from the University of Bristol and Montserrat Volcano Observatory. These short courses have been held at MTA in Ankara, and have been attended by scientists from MTA and guests from universities from around Turkey. The courses were:

August 2017: Rod Stewart delivered a short course on volcano-seismology and the work of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory.

August 2017: Mark Woodhouse delivered a short course on modelling of various volcanic hazards.

April 2018: Steve Sparks delivered a short course on physical volcanology and volcanic hazards.

April 2018: Mark Woodhouse delivered a short course on modelling of hazards.

Field trips

The TurkVolc team have undertaken several fieldtrips around Turkey. In July 2017, a three-week field trip was undertaken in Central Anatolia, where studies were undertaken on Erciyes Dagi, Hasan Dagi, Acigöl and Göllü Dag. Whilst in June 2018, fieldwork concentrated on the Kula Volcanic Field in Western Turkey. During both trips outcrops were investigated, samples were taken for petrology, geochemistry and dating, geophysical studies were undertaken including the deployment of GPS and volcanic risk was considered in urban and industrial areas.

In July 2018 geophysical fieldwork was undertaken with Jo Gottsmann, Gökhan Atıcı, Mehmet Çobankaya and geophysical engineers from MTA. GPS measurements were taken to compare with 2017 readings, and Jo Gottsmann and  MTA personnel has been worked together in gravity measurements.

Meetings, Mutual Cooperation Visits and Various Studies

The team has held a number of meetings and exchanges to work together, share ideas, and benefit from the different resources and expertise in MTA, Bristol and Montserrat.

April 2018: Steve Sparks, Mark Woodhouse and Sarah Brown visited MTA and in addition to delivering short courses, worked collectively with team members from MTA on developing the TurkVolc project, eruption scenarios, modelling of volcanic hazards.

November 2017: Evren Gündoğdu visited Bristol where she studied samples from Hasandağı volcano using the electron microscope.   Mineral chemistry analyses were carried out on selected minerals on the Cameca SX100 microprope.

November 2017: Ayşe Dağlıyar visited Bristol to work with Juliet Biggs on the detection of deformation using remote sensing (InSAR).


November 2018: Esra Yurteri visited Bristol to work on samples from Erciyes Volcano using electron microscope equipment (Cameca SX100 microprobe) for mineral chemistry analysis.

February 2019: Professor Steve Sparks and Dr Mark Woodhouse visited MTA in Ankara, to discuss hazard modelling and undertake important discussions with AFAD about volcanism in Turkey with Gökhan Atıcı. As a leading authority on volcanology, Professor Sparks introduced key concepts about volcanoes, and volcanic hazard and risk to AFAD, with a view to increasing their recognition of the volcanic threat and capacity to respond to developing volcanic emergencies.

March 2019: Gökhan Atıcı and Mehmet Çobankaya spent a week in Bristol working on outreach materials, eruption scenario planning, dating of activity and understanding risk. They travelled onto Montserrat to learn about the workings of a volcano observatory and  development of seismic networks.

March 2019: Bilge Karaman visited University of Bristol, UK, to collaborate on the development of public education materials, and on the modelling of volcanic hazards and exposure assessments at Turkey's volcanoes.

October 2019: Kathy Cashman, Mark Woodhouse and Sarah Brown visited MTA, taking part in the final TurkVolc workshop, in which many team members delivered talks on the work undertaken during the project. Academics from across Turkey, members of AFAD and the Turkish Military were amongst the audience, learning more about volcanism in Turkey and volcanic hazard and risk.

Volcano Observation Center of Turkey and Training

Volcano Observation Center has been established for the development of volcano monitoring capacity in Turkey (2019). Turkvolc team visited Montserrat Volcano Observation Center and carried out studies with the experts there.


Observation Stations are placed around the Erciyes volcano to instantly monitor the Erciyes volcano.


One-month training on volcano monitoring methods and data analysis was given by Roderic Steward, director of the Montserrat Observation Center at the MTA campus.

The Final Workshop

A closing workshop was held on 21-22 October 2019 with the participation of universities, relevant institutions and organizations in Turkey to share and discuss the project outcomes. The data obtained from the project and the subject of volcanic risk in our country were evaluated in detail and many researchers and interested people from different regions of our country were reached.


Atıcı, G., Sparks, S., Gündoğdu, E.A., Blundy, J., Çobankaya, M., Brown, S., Yurteri, E., Woodhouse, M., 2, Karaman, B., Jenkins, S., Demirci, B., Gottsmann., J.,  Cashman, K., Dağlıyar, A.,  Biggs, J., Stewart, R.,Aspinall, W., Aydar, E., Schmitt, A., Mark, D., 2018. Understanding volcanic risk in Turkey for improved emergency response and disaster risk reduction. Abstracts Volume of the International meeting “Cities on Volcanoes 10”, p878,  2 - 7 September 2018, Napoli, Italy.

Further publications coming soon!

© 2019 by Sarah Brown & © 2020 by Hünkar Demirbağ

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