Kars Plateau
Volcano type: Pyroclastic cones
Volcano number: 213001
Latitude: 37.667°N
Longitude: 33.6°E
Elevation: 1302 m
Distance to Ankara: ~870 km
Closest major city: Kars
Population within 5 km: 46,013
Population within 10 km: 46,013
Population within 30 km: 73,698
Population within 100 km: 1,220,961
Kars Plateau is located in Eastern Anatolia in an area related to a continental collision zone. Volcanic activity ranged in composition from basaltic to rhyolitic. Three stages of activity are apparent: from 11 to 6 Ma mafic-intermediate lavas were produced alongside more explosive and silicic activity; the middle stage from 6 to 5 Ma was dominated by andesitic to dacitic lava effusion; and the late stage from 5 to 2.7 Ma was again characterised by bimodal volcanism comprising effusion of extensive basalt flows and more viscous domes.
Keskin, M., Pearce, J.A. and Mitchell, J.G., 1998. Volcano-stratigraphy and geochemistry of collision-related volcanism on the Erzurum–Kars Plateau, northeastern Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 85(1-4), pp.355-404.
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